Posted by: itoshii123 | June 19, 2007

♥ Naruto ♥

A good manga I suggest to read is Naruto. I know it may be an old one to read, but the story behind the manga is well-planned and funny! There’s quite a bit of fighting, which makes it awesome in my book, and it’s about NINJAS!!!! Who doesn’t like a good ninja story once in a while? So whenever you’re in your nearest Barnes & Noble or Borders store, I recommend checking out this book!!naruto-cover-19.jpg


  1. i dont really get manga or any of that stuff. but you seem pretty interested in it.. maybe i should get one.

  2. I like manga, especially naruto. but i don’t like when they call senseis “master kakashi” or something like that. Naruto is a funny manga.

  3. Uhm ok….Who’s blog is ths?Vivian’s?

  4. I bet it’s Vivian, The biggest Anime person ever..

  5. Opps my Bad sorry Cayla.

  6. hahhahah naruto yea it is good expect i only read the 23,9, and the 10

    i guess i skipped through them a lot
    ill try to read more on manga volume

  7. cayla i have a suggestion how bout you put manga reading websites around here so people can go see wut its like?


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